Ohio Electrical Contractor with Business Law Exam Preparation

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Original price was: $1,295.00.Current price is: $995.00.

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Ready to enroll or have questions contact Victor Rubio (614) 301-6852, or click Add to Cart

The Contractors School offers the only Complete 3-in-1 System consisting of:

(1) New NEC 2017 and Business & Law Home Study Computer Programs with over 15 excellent sample exams that simulate your actual PSI state exams ! 

(2) Weekend Seminar or Webinar !

(3) Engineering tutoring help !

To obtain a Contractor license, each candidate must pass both the trade portion (1) Contractor exam and the (2) Business and Law portion exam. The Contractor and the Business and Law exams can be taken during the same PSI testing session for one $100 fee.

This Home Study Computer Program is a three (3) month subscription / enrollment and allows for unlimited Home Study, Seminars, and Tutoring for a three (3) month period !

Our sample exams simulate your actual PSI state exams! 

Questions, answers, and article references that you need to pass the new PSI state examination are contained in this new module. Choose this program if you are serious about passing your state exam with PSI. Go into the test prepared with the best computer study program in Oklahoma!

Since the PSI state test is composed from several code and text books revisions, our exam prep program simulates this testing experience. Question and code references from the current and older code books and calculations are included with this module. This gives our customers the very best chance to study and prepare with the variety of questions that can be asked during their examination.


The following reference materials are allowed in the examination center:

    • NFPA 70 National Electrical Code 2017
    • Ugly’s Electrical References 2014
    • Electrical Field Reference Handbook
    • NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business Law and Project Management

Important Notes:

    • Reference materials may be highlighted, underlined, and tabbed. However, NOTES written in the codebook/s are NOT permitted by PSI.

Applications must be submitted to:

Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board
6606 Tussing Road
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
E-Mail [email protected]
Phone: 614.644.3493

    • License candidates must be pre-approved by OCILB prior to testing with PSI.
    • Applications submitted to OCILB are usually processed in 2-3 weeks, at which time each license candidate will be informed via mail or email to indicate approval to take the examination with PSI.

Examinations are administered by the testing agency PSI Services LLC:

3210 E. Tropicana, Las Vegas, NV 89121
Telephone: (800) 733-9267
Website: www.psiexams.com

Our interactive Exam Prep Program allows each license candidate to prepare and study for his state examination while in the comfort of his own home. Our practice exams actually simulate the experience of taking the computerized state examination. The questions, multiple choice answers, and article references have been professionally prepared by our research team to cover every subject area, code section, and calculations. Our sample tests questions are scrambled each time you test to simulate your actual state test experience.

.This excellent program can be purchased and installed in just minutes, allows unlimited study and review time for a three month period, and runs on any Windows or Mac computer with an operating system. The program will run on your laptop without internet access allowing on-the-go study preparation.


Why Wait?

Call Victor Today!

(614) 301-6852

Below is a small sample of our exam prep questions:

  1. What is the allowable ampacity (current capacity) of three #1 Awg copper conductors that are insulated with THW in a raceway that is at an ambient temperature of ONLY 86 degrees F?
    • Correct Answer: NEC – Table 310.15(B)(16); Column for THW 75 deg C, Row for 1 AWG lists ampacity of  130 amperes.
  2. Using Ohms law, what would be the calculate the primary current of a three-phase transformer rated at 75,000 VA, given that the operating source is 460 volts, and an efficiency of 90%.
    • Correct Answer: Ohms Law states I = P / (E x 1.732), so [(75,000)/(460 x 1.732)]/0.9 = 104.6 amps
  3. In straight pulls, the length of the box or conduit body shall not be less than eight times the trade size of the largest raceway. Therefore, what would be the size required for the box side that has a 2-inch conduit entry?
    • Correct Answer: NEC – 314.28(A)(1). 2-inch conduit x 8 = 16 inches
  • NEC 2017 (NFPA National Electrical Code)
  • Ugly’s Electrical References 2014
  • NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business Law and Project Management

License Requirements Summary:

    • Contractor (trade portion): 100 question exam, 4 hour time limit, minimum test score 75%
    • Business and Law portion: 50 question exam, 2 hour time limit, minimum test score 75%
    • PSI Test Fee = $69.00 for the “combination” test (both on same day)