Arkansas HVAC/R Contractor Exam Preparation

Prepare and study for your state HVAC/R Contractor Exam examination in the comfort of your home.


**Please confirm your state before the purchase.

Our Arkansas HVAC/R Contractor practice exams simulate the experience of taking the computerized state examination. Our online class will teach you how to pass the HVAC/R Contractor Test.

Don't miss out on this opportunity for growth and expertise. Join our industry-leading courses and pave your path to success.

Our software is an interactive program that allows each license candidate to prepare and study for his state examination while in the comfort of his own home. Our practice exams actually simulate the experience of taking the computerized state examination. The questions, answers, and article references have been professionally prepared by our research team to cover every subject area, code section, and calculations. The combination of specific computer based training with our software, familiarity with the code book, and your years of field experience assure your success. Start today!

ICC Examination Information Bulletin, Content Outline:

HVAC/R Books allowed during the state exam:

  • 2004 Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
  • 2006 Arkansas Fuel Gas Code
  • 2010 Arkansas Mechanical Code
  • 2008 National Electrical Code
  • Arkansas HVAC/R Law
  • Arkansas HVAC/R Rules and Regulations

Important Notes:

  • Only the references as listed above are allowed, no other reference material will be allowed into the testing center:
  • Bound (original bound book, three-ring binder, or stapled)
  • Notes written in ink or highlighted in code sections
  • Permanently attached tabs (tabs that can’t be removed without destroying the page)
  • Pencil notes in your references that are highlighted prior to arrival at the test center
  • Testing candidates are responsible for bringing their own references to the examination center. Reference materials may be highlighted, underlined and/or indexed prior to the examination session. (Permanent tabs and highlighting is permitted. No notes !!!)

Applications must be submitted:

Arkansas Department of Health
Protective Health Codes
4815 West Markham Street, Slot 24
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205-3867
Phone: (501) 661-2000 or (800) 462-0599

Examinations are administered by the testing agency:

Pearson VUE
5601 Green Valley Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437 (Corporate)
(877) 234-6082 (schedule your exam)
(800) 466-0450 (request special accommodations)


  • 2004 Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

  • 2006 Arkansas Fuel Gas Code

  • 2010 Arkansas Mechanical Code

  • 2008 National Electrical Code

License Requirements Summary

  • 100 question exam, 4 hour time limit, minimum test score 70%
  • Pearson Vue Test Fee = $100
  • Requires minimum of 2 years of work experience.