Alabama Loaner Laptop Exam Preparation

Prepare and study for your state Journeyman examination in the comfort of your home.

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $199.00.

Please confirm your state before the purchase.

Our Alabama Loaner Laptop practice exams simulate the experience of taking the computerized state examination. Our online class will teach you how to pass the Loaner Laptop Test.

The Contractors School, Prep At Home LLC offers a Loaner Laptop to students that do not have a PC to access their new software Home Study Computer Program. Once student takes and passes their test, the Laptop must be mailed back to address below:

The Contractors School
5901-J Wyoming Blvd. NE #203, Albuquerque, NM 87109

The Laptop return must be within four months for a full refund. Failure to mail and return the Loaner Laptop within the 4 months will void the refund $199.00.

This page is for use by The Contractors School personnel only!
